Hi everyone,
A reminder about our Zoom meeting on Saturday, 6th February at 2pm It has soon rolled round. We are delighted to be having Amy Butcher as our speaker and at our Zoom committee meeting yesterday Nicky told us about the super visuals Amy has prepared for her talk. Liz will co-host the meeting so that Nicky can assist with these. Nicky will email the meeting ID and password for the meeting to you. This meeting will be free to all those on the 2019/2020 membership list, plus new members.
We would like to continue to hold the April competition for the best piece of work from a commercial design. These can be done from a kit or something from a magazine, or a workshop etc. This year we would like members to send Nicky a photo of their entry, or entries, to cityofyorksec@embroiderersguild.co.uk by 30th March at the latest. She will show them onscreen, without names, at the Zoom meeting on 3rd April. The committee will then choose the winning entry. Won’t be easy!
Speaking of images, we would love to have images of members' work on the blog. Send them to me please, at csmall044@gmail.com with your name and who took the photo. This latter is only for Diana’s records because of copyright law. Don’t ask!
The blog has been devoid of images for nearly the whole year, so to get the ball rolling, here are pictures of work by some of our members.
From Gina |
From Moira |
Also, don't forget that you can see work from other branches by checking out the links on the blog.
From Jacqs |
The committee has made the decision to cancel the exhibition for this year, and to hold it in June, 2022 instead. Very disappointing, but under the circumstances not unexpected. We kept hoping but it became obvious it just wasn’t realistic. We know that many members have produced work on hedgerows so we will keep what is any case a lovely theme, as well as the exhibition’s overall title, ‘Our Celebration of Stitch’ . And we’ll book the Tithe Barn as before.
From Nicky |
Finally, another reminder of the fortnightly Zoom Social Stitchers sessions, next one on Monday, 8th February. These are proving increasingly popular, a great way to keep in touch with our fellow stitchers. Details will be emailed.
Very best wishes to you all,